Ontario Waterfront
Tyendinaga to
Just east
of Deseronto along the lake waterfront is Tyendinaga Mohawk
Territory. The ancestors of the Mohawks who live here
originally lived south of
the lake.
The traditional name for the Mohawks is
Kanien’kehake, which means People of the Flint. The British dubbed them
"Mohawk" which comes from the Algonquian word Mohowauuck
which means "man-eater."
A map (perhaps from around 1600),
out the original
areas the natives inhabited
The Mohawk are divided into three clans:
the turtle, the bear and the wolf. They were mostly farmers and
trappers, but were also noted for their fierceness in war.
Mohawk are part of a five-nation confederacy, which is so old it
cannot be definitely dated. The other members of the confederacy are
the Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas. The confederacy was formed
to forge a peaceful coexistence between neighbouring nations; it's said
to be one of the oldest democracies in the world.The Haudenosaunee
Confederacy, called the League of Five nations by the British, means
People of the Long House.
the American Revolution, the Mohawk nation was an ally of the British.
During this time, they were forced or decided to leave their
south of the lake. Because of their allegiance to the British, they
were given a number of tracts of land north of Lake Ontario. Today,
they live in eight different communities, of which Tyendinaga is one
(This information came from a now-defunct site. Here is a site that give the history of the Haudenosaunee. )
John Deserontyon, a Mohawk serving in the British army, selected land
here on the shores of the Bay of Quinte." On May 22, 1784, he and about
20 families officially took over the territory, although there is
evidence Mohawks had been living in the area for 150 years before
this. The land was originally 92,700 acres, but today is reduced to
about 18,000 through "land alienations and
Tyendinaga comes from the word Thayendanegea, which, when literally
translated, means "placing the wood together" in one now-defunct native
website, or in several websites something like "he who bets or places
two bets."
"Thayendanegea" was Captain Joseph
Brant's Mohawk name.
(1742-1807) was a fierce defender of his people and also fought with
and for the British. He believed in the independence of his
people and worked hard to secure land for them and to develop farming.
Unfortunately, the British discouraged his independence and would not
allow natives the same freedoms as settlers (See for more. Much of the above information was from this site.)
There are now about 6,000 Mohawks in the Quinte bay area. About 2,200
live on the territory.
depart from the official trail suggestions in Tyendinaga. The official
route is still an
undesignated section of the trail. The suggestion is to
west from Highway #49 along
Airport Road to Ridge Road and follow that west to Beach Road, where my
route briefly meets with it again before heading off again across
fields and down to Shannonville via Tom's Road.The official trail
website describes the
Ridge Road as a "busy road with narrow or no shoulders." It
busy the day I drove it, but it looks like a boring
walk along an asphalt
surface compared to the abandoned railroad, . The road won't even give you a glimpse of places like
Trident and Bluff points. The latter walks take considerably more
effort, but there's also a much bigger payoff — and you are truly
following the shore much of the way. |
Airport Rd and Highway #49 to Point Anne Road (Belleville)Caution:
I walked these sections in 2005 and 2009. Not much has changed, and I
have tried to recheck aspects of this walk. However, some information
may be outdated. I also tracked this route on my GPS after the fact,
following notes. The route should be accurate, but of course not as
accurate as my original (lost) GPS tracks. Airport Road and Highway 49 to Point Anne Road (Belleville: 22 kilometres (all road)Airport Road and Highway 49 to Point Anne Road (Belleville): 33.5 kilometres. Airport
Road and Highway 49 to beach Road (15.5 kilometres) along the
railbed and shore are very difficult. To bypass this (and to make your
route shorter) take the official trail along the road: 9.5 kilometres. Other
parts of the "unofficial" route I have forged are also difficult. The
official route is easy and less stressful. It's also boring.
Click here
or on any photo for more photos of this section.
Highway 49 and Airport Road to Johnson's Lane: 1.6 kilometres (straight and boring paved road).Airport Road (at the Airport) and Johnson's Lane to Hickory Road
Total: 4 km (along
the shore)
Total:1.4 km
(along the road).
you reach the airport, you have a choice: you can continue along
Airport Road to Hickory Road. That's 1.4 kilometres. Alternatively, you
can cut south down Johnson's Lane. This is longer but more adventurous.
However, you have to cross private land and it's very marshy. I only
just made it on March 23, with some still-frozen ground to help me.
Perhaps the walk would work with boots in mid-summer.
Before you
walk anywhere, check out the dilapidated buildings just south of the
airport on Johnson's Lane. They're falling down and empty for the most
part, but it's worth a quick tour.
The road is straightforward. Head west past Gordon's Road, over the
bridge to Hickory.
shore route follows Johnson's lane south. When you reach the curve,
you'll see a gate ahead of you. You can start bushwhacking here just
beyond the gate, heading off to the right (west) to avoid the cottages
by the shore as much as possible. With all the water, I had to use the
road, but headed into the trees at a respectable distance. The marsh
before you here is the toughest of the lot; if you can do this one,
you're laughing for the rest.
Once through this wet section,
slow down and enjoy the shoreline. There are a few gnarly trees here
and the vegetation runs to the water. This continues, with
periodic wet spots for about a kilometre, until you run into a couple
of small cottages. Along this section, you will occasionally see rough
and often faint double tracks that will make your progress easier.
past the cottages, start cutting north again through the scrub bush.
There is a road running close to a house back from the shore, but you
can avoid it by heading through the bush until you hit Gordon's Road.
You have to head north again here to Airport Road unless you want to
swim Sucker Creek. At Airport Road, you'll turn left, cross the bridge
over Sucker Creek and half a kilometre later you'll meet Hickory Road
heading south, and Airport Road curving north. The abandoned railroad can be clearly seen running off
west in front of you.
March 23, 2009
Rating:   Road bits: easy. Shore bits difficult (and perhaps only possible in winter)
Airport and Hickory roads to Great Oak Lodge Lane: the
abandoned railroad.
Total: 4.8 km (along the shore)Total:5.7 km (by the road)
did this section three days after the section immediately following. A
lot of changes can happen in three days as spring approaches. It’s
something to be
aware of in these sections. Temperature swing from below freezing to
above freezing, with ponds rapidly melting and lots of runoff. It makes
for a different walk every time.
abandoned railroad can be clearly seen from the junction of Hickory and
Airport roads. It heads eastward and somewhat southward. This walk may
possible in the summer, but there may still be some minor
with water. I caught it just in
time, with the ice carrying me over a couple of sections, as I’ll
describe. Nevertheless, the spring runoff made for some interesting
walking. Be
The sign at airport and Hickory roads, along with a Stop sign in Mohawk.
Airport Road winds
off to the east. Photo: March 8, 2009
To get to the old railbed, I had to do
some creek
hopping right from the start. There was a fairly wide break I had to
jump across. I had a bit of ice to help me. The only other way is to
try to find a place where the water is running a little
and shallower. (By March 23, this quickly-flowing stream was all but
Once on the bed and over a low (and dead)
electric fence, the walking was easy. It’s pretty straight, but on
grass, which softens the straightness. Several apple trees line
the bed; at one point last fall’s apples still lay rotting on the
this, the trail moves through woods and here
the first serious challenge presented itself: a channel too wide to
jump, with water on all sides of the trail. After a brief attempt to
make a
bridge from fallen logs, I took a chance on the ice on the south side
of the bed, where the water was flowing slightly less. Using my
expedition poles to test as I went, I found a reasonably solid path.
The ice was at the point where you can delineate black (and dangerous)
ice from white and more solid ice. A break through the ice would
probably have landed me in about two feet of water.
Once through this, the landscape opens to fields to the north and
marshy land to the south. There are signs of cattle here.
second water channel has some serious barbwire blocking the way, but a
couple of dozen feet to the south, the fence has collapsed, so it was
easy to skirt around it. The ice helped me here also; it was still
holding up in the ponds near the bed.
A third very straight
runoff creek running fairly fast had me working hard and moving quite a
bit south to find a place to ford it safely. The width was just a
couple of feet too wide to jump. Again, the frozen earth made it a bit
easier; when it turns to mud, it could be very difficult.
this point it was easy going. The bed now drops below the field level,
but it was easy to move to a berm to the south that rides
the wet and takes you almost to Norway’s Road and the 3 km point.
a wire fence at Norway's Road, but someone has opened a space to step
through easily. On the other side of the road, the trail gets muddy and
a few dozen feet in there’s a pile of dirt that needs to be climbed.
The trail runs high over wooded sections, with fields not far beyond to
the north.
Soon a metal building belonging to Quinte Bay
Contract Flooring comes into sight through the trees, square in the
middle of the trail. The trail, by the way, is
periodically slightly
overgrown with small trees. You can drop down off the trail to the
right, cross the road and skirt around the building to where the trail
picks up again. Very shortly, you’ll come to another drop in the trail,
this time (in spring anyway) with another runoff creek to negotiate. I
used a big piece of floating ice to quickly step across. Once on the
other side, you’re into a small cottage zone. Most of the cottages are
in extreme disrepair or have collapsed. There are also a few old
trailers strewn about.
met a couple here. Neither were from the area. The woman was busy
photographing the decayed buildings. I wandered through a few
buildings, then went to test the ice off the shore to see if I could
safely skirt a pretty active creek and inlet cutting through the
cottage zone. The ice was safe. However, later in the season, the only
way to safely cross this section would be to walk up to the Ridge Road,
which is not very far to the north at this point, and use the bridge.
bed continues beyond the first set of cottages. A second set of
cottages are better
ordered and preserved; people were moving about on one of the
properties. The trail
runs behind their cottages and shortly thereafter two roads head north
to the Ridge Road that runs just to the north. The road at this point
hard, with a cinder base, but beyond the cottages, it returns to grass.
As it moves back to wooded area, a small ad hoc dump has been created,
with stoves and washing machines tilting into the water on the south
side of the trail. It’s unfortunate, because immediately after that is
a grand old oak spreading across the trail. It’s necessary to duck
it to get through. Then it’s an easy walk, again with fields peeking
through to the north and a lot of water amongst the trees to the south.

house appears to the north through the trees and a rough road crosses
the trail. There’s an old farm tiller subsiding back to the earth here.
Shortly afterward, there’s another stream coursing across the trail.
This one would have been pretty impossible to ford. Luckily a long
railroad-tie sized piece of timber stretches across the water here,
making the crossing easy – and fun.
Keep left when you get off
the log and skirt the pile of dirt to get back to the trail. In a
minute’s time, you’ll meet Great Oak Lodge Lane.
Left: A
view of a log bridge crossing a stream just east of
Oak Lodge
Lane. By the way, some of the lanes in this area
are not marked on any
of my available maps, including topos and
Google maps. March 8, 2009
March 8, 2009
Rating:   (Interesting stuff here if you like a challenge.) Difficult
Great Oak Lodge Lane to Bluff and Trident points to Beach Road
Total, road: 2.4 km Total, Bluff and Trident points route: 5.2 km
Total, abandoned railroad shortcut: 2.3 km
can significantly shorten this bit by continuing the abandoned railroad
from Great Oak Lodge Lane, cutting off both Bluff and Trident points.
The railroad is a bit straight, but a good walk across grass. The marsh
will be on your left, and fields will spread out to the road to the
north. I did this with solid ice to carry me across the wet bits, so it
was an easy walk. In warmer weather, I think there may be
insurmountable water to cross, at least just after Great Oak Lodge Lane.
on the trail and past some initial brush, the view of the lake and the
marsh was good; if you’ve already walked Bluff and Trident points,
you’ll recognize some spots on the shore. As you get closer to Beach
Road, the trail twists a bit. There have been cattle in these
woods/fields. You’ll pass through a gate onto the road that leads on
the left to Trident Point or straight on to Beach Road. A 500 metre
walk will get you to Beach Road.
A much more satisfying walk
will take you around Bluff and Trident Points. I walked the railroad
westward, but took in the two points on my outward journey. However,
relate it heading westward here.
Head down Great Oak Lodge Lane
from the abandoned railroad. It winds around a bit and a road heads off
to your right. As you get closer to the water, you’ll see houses on
your left. The road leads between houses almost to the water. At the
one kilometre point, you’ll be at the lakeshore at Bluff Point.
Point will be off to the west and Big Bay beyond that, which is part of
the much larger Bay of Quinte. Across the water on your right as you
look out is Quinte Point, the northernmost part of Big Island,
tenuously attached to Prince Edward County by marshland. On your left
is the (almost) island of Prince Edward County.
Drink this in. You’re on private land, so probably won’t get too much
of a chance to catch this view too often.
would be possible to walk the little roads between the houses to get to
the westernmost house on Bluff Point and avoid walking on the ice. The
actual shore has a steep bluff at one point and it’s unlikely you could
slide along the shore the entire way. The ice was very solid on the day
I walked this bit, so from the end of the road, I walked along the ice
to just past the last house to a point where I could walk up, keeping a
respectful distance from the house.
From there, a bit of
bushwhacking through scrub and trees will get you to the edge of a
marsh. This section would be impossible in any time but winter, unless
you have hip waders or fancy a bit of swimming. In winter it’s a cinch
to walk
across the mouth of the marsh; it’s very safe when the ice is thick and
there are lots of open routes to take. The marsh stretches back to the
abandoned railroad, so
it’s something to deal with any time but winter.
On the west
side of the creek, you’ll have to skirt an electric fence before coming
upon some grand old trees at the water’s edge, followed by a few trees
and open stretches, before the landscape opens right out into field and
swamp. There are signs of cattle here. The walking in winter is easy,
over grass and frozen marsh and along the shore. In warmer weather,
this would be a muddy section, but it was good and solid in early
March. A lone fish hut sat on the shore and there are lots of signs of
humans here: the occasional old tire, plastic containers and vehicle
tracks. Mine were the only footprints along the shore.
Trident Point, there is a single tree, and a duck blind. A little
beyond that there is a small beach made entirely of shells; obviously a
popular spot for gulls. The thousands of bleached and broken shells
were impressive. Trident Point is about 2.5 km from Bluff Point,
walking along the shore.
Just beyond the shell beach is a fence
that is easy to walk around from the water’s edge. Several cottages dot
the waterfront here and the road winds behind them. Follow the road
until it establishes itself a bit more beyond the last cottage and
turns away from the shore. You’ll wind about for 1.5 kilometres from
Trident Point, where the road takes a sharp left. On the right is a
gate and the abandoned railroad heads off to the east. Another 500
metres gets you to Beach Road, just east of the mouth of Marysville
5, 2009
Rating:  Some sections possibly possible only in winter. Difficult
Beach Road
to Tom’s
Road to Salmon
River Bridge
, Shannonville
Total: 4 km (by official trail which is all road) Total: 5.2 km (by Beach Road, across field to Queen Street) From
just east of Marysville Creek, walk along the “causeway” at the water’s
Marysville Creek has a control dam at the bridge and a sign indicating
you are
on land belonging to the natives of the Tyendinaga reserve. Beach Road
curves northward. At about 2
km from Marysville Creek, you’ll have to judiciously decide how to cut
some houses to get to the fields beyond. Your objective is Tom’s Road
to the
west. I first tackled this from west to east and naturally came out at Beach Road,
skirting houses as best I could. Perhaps if you asked at around 268
Beach Road,
the occupants could help you out. I talked to a resident of the area at
Road and told him my objective. He was extremely helpful and friendly.
on private land here, so a little friendly conversation goes a long way.
stretch to Tom’s Road (also Toms Road,
both spellings are on signs)
follows field edges and at the end there’s a definite track.
Unfortunately we
(I did this bit with my son Matt) ran into a lot of poison ivy,
especially near
Tom’s Road, which slowed us considerably.
Tom’s Road, it’s a straightforward and not particularly
exciting walk into Shannonville, turning right into Queen Street,
then left onto York Road. There
are some houses in
Shannonville with real character. Check out the houses on Queen Street,
sitting between the road
and the Salmon River. The rapids at the bridge
are picturesque,
especially in the spring. (See below for a little park on the shores of
the Salmon River.
I’ve ended this walk on the bridge, but the
park would be a natural stopping point.
Rating:  Easy. Some interesting houses.
June 15, 2005
Bridge on
St. over Salmon
in Shannonville
to inner entrance
(road just north of guard building) of Lafarge Cement.
Total: 5.1 kilometres
From the bridge, I headed north, then cut west down
a sideroad, heading for Shannonville
This is a nice,
open grassy park on the shores of the Salmon
it's a good place for a picnic in the summer, although there aren’t
many trees if
you want to escape the sun.
the park, I backtracked briefly and headed west along a
trail. A large marsh on the western shores of the Salmon River kept me from
sticking to the river bank. Two large ponds on
the west shore connect to the river but are away from the main section
of the
river. They also serve to keep one away from the river proper. The east
shore of the
river is lined with houses and cottages. At one point you can see the
large and
long wetlands that line the river as it reaches the lake.
northernmost pond has very even banks that look as if
they have been artificially created. A section of the north bank is
made up of flat
rock, where I met up with a Canada goose who greeted me with loud
honking. A
fence is at the end of the southernmost flats and I followed it back
until I met the hydro line.
hydro lines led me northwest and I got fairly
close to the highway and parallel to a gas station before I
cut south across a
big field to meet the hydro lines again, this time heading south and
west. I had to negotiate a few easy fences along
the way, and there is a marshy section and a little stream that can be
using a rough-and-ready bridge just south of the hydro lines.
the bridge,
I followed the trail as it passed through some trees south of the hydro
until I met a fence.
the fence is a field. I followed the hydro
lines west, although there is a more interesting route along a small
gully that
was once a rail bed, which I have described in my south route. When the
hydro line
meets the gully, I cut across it until I reached a fence.
over the fence,
walk slightly left to pick up the old rail bed, which will become a
berm that
allowed me to cross a larger marshy section. The rail bed is an
excellent walk.
Trees have grown up on the top and along the sides, but a trail winds
along the
top. It’s the best of both worlds: dry feet, a lovely path through
trees and a marsh humming with life on both sides. Beyond the rail bed,
picked up the hydro lines again. When you reach a road, head south. The
will take you to a subdivision in its early stage of development; no
yet (as of 2005), but rough roads and piles of dirt and gravel. There
are a couple of
beautiful trees by the lake. This is a little garden of Eden that will
soon be
obliterated by the developer’s shovel. To the west is a basin with
artificially-built banks, a harbour for the yachts of the
residents-to-be, I
imagine. Interesting how developers get to mess with the lakeshore this
when cottagers can’t even dump a load of sand on their shore without
interference. I imagine that money talks and there are all sorts of
reasons drummed up by the appropriate ministries to make this
the basin, I headed westward and back to the hydro
lines through some scrub pines. The lines come out at a gravel road
just behind
the guard’s gate at Lafarge Cement. I turned left and walked to the
junction of the road and the
yield sign just north of the guard’s house.
Rating:  The railbed is the best bit.
Walked: May 12, 16, 2005
gates of Lafarge Cement (at guard gate, not Old Highway
#28) to east end of Point Anne Rd. and on to Manley Dr., (just beyond
launch, at the turnaround point just before the road narrows).
Total: 3 kilometres
gate to the Lafarge
Cement plant has a weigh scale that
looks like it might be used. The quarry to the right (west) as I walked
south is still active; however, the buildings, a double “silo” and the
cranes near
the waterfront look deserted. Just to the east and north of the silo is
a flat
area that has been backfilled; I suspect it was once a marshy area, as
marsh further to the east starts abruptly at a very straight
wasted land; it may have made somebody a passel of money at the turn of
century and on up to the seventies, but it now is a disgrace to the
What in God’s name is a place like this doing disfiguring the
lakeshore? It seems companies, at least in the past, could destroy the
landscape and
just waltz off. But Lafarge still operates, so this isn't a thing of
the past.
should be forced to fix up the property and hand it back to the public
– at no
cost. They’ve made enough from it already.
are a number of collapsed cement buildings here and
there on the property, and a rail line coming in from the north.
this was once an electric railway.
quarry is impressive in a sad kind of way that quarries
are: humans have gouged this great gaping hole in the landscape,
leaving high
cliffs that drop straight down. It looks like there might be more
here, but still it looks rather deserted.
south and west toward the east end of Point Anne Rd.,
had to negotiate a wire fence. There’s a parking lot along the fence
between the road and the Lafarge property and it was pretty full, with
lots of
fishers out on the bay for the first day of the spring season.
I got to the
parking lot, I ran into five people looking for fossils. They were
about to
climb the fence into the quarry, but a lone man with a truck inside the
put them off. It looked like he was coming back from fishing, but who
what he was up to. The group decided to climb the fence at a point
further down
the road, behind some trees where they could be more discreet. They
said they
were looking for fossils and crystals within the limestone, and had a
cutter for the purpose. One guy said he was from Toronto,
another from Ohio.
headed west on a trail heading into the woods south of the
road. After a couple of minutes, I cut south on a rougher trail and did
little bit of (easy) bushwhacking to get to the Point Anne Water Supply
Treatment Plant, a small white building at the end of a gravel road
about 50
feet from the lake. Just before the building I peered into a cement
with a cement roof and two squares in the top. I tried to shine my
penknife through one of the holes, but all I did was scare up a bat. It
pretty empty.
treatment plant a trail heads west. I kept as best I
could to trails closest to the water, to avoid the houses to the north.
This is
a good walking area. At one point, I came upon a ruined building. All
remained was a flat cement floor and the north wall. It looked like a
dilapidated) basketball court, with a big flat open space. There are a
of ruined cement buildings hiding in the bush along the first part of
curving down a trail to the north, I cut back through
a marshy area (and got slightly wet feet) to get to a little shed by
waterfront. Beyond this is a short but
idyllic laneway that opens onto a lawn area. Here I headed back up the
trail to
the road. The trail comes out just east of a house that looks like it
have once been a church, situated on the north side and calling itself
AB Works.
here I walked through the village, past a house that
once was “L.O.L 2599” according to a sign on the front of it, and Point
(sic) School (that doesn’t look like it is being used as a school any
The stone building has “A.D. 1927” inscribed into it.
before Manley
narrows, a sign states, “Don’t even think of dumping your garbage
The laneway to the east (which I haven’t described here, but is worth
winds about to Ox
Point, and sports a
number of classy houses along the way.
May 7, 2005
Point Anne, Manley Dr. (just
beyond boat launch, at the turnaround point just before the road narrows) to
road into Baz Auto on old Highway #2
Total: 3.5 kilometres (by the shore) .
This is a fine walk (except
for the highway bit).
At the turnaround, just before
Manley Rd
reduces to a laneway, I followed the hydro line northward. This
takes a bit of bushwhacking for about five minutes, until you come to a
couple of trails. Stick to the one that follows the hydro lines. It is a bit
muddy this year, but not too bad.
There’s a little bridge at one point that
allows you to cross a creek. Follow the trail through the edges of the marsh until
the hydro lines head off north straight across the marsh and the trail curves
eastward. While the route is still a tad mucky, you get a magnificent view of
the huge marsh to the north. Unfortunately, there’s no way of crossing it short
of heading to Point Anne’s Rd. You’ll walk through scrub cedar and little open
bits; it looks like someone farmed this land many years ago. The trail will lead
you to the road, just south of the houses lining the road to the south of
Highway #2. The homes on Point Anne Rd. make up a quiet neighbourhood despite the nearness to the highway.
At the northernmost house, I
headed west through the field. This is not really a good idea. I wandered about
trying to dodge first marsh and open water, then houses, before giving up and
walking down a long private drive to the highway. I recommend walking from Point Anne Road to
the highway and then heading west. The road makes for a boring final kilometre,
but you save yourself a frustrating time trying to get around stream and marsh.
Half a kilometre from the Baz Auto drive, you’ll walk over the highway bridge
over Blessington Creek and see that (at any time of year) this creek would give
you a run for your money if you had to cross it further to the south. Maybe there’s a secret pathway through the fields and
woods, but I didn’t find it.
Rating: (The undescribed end of the private Manley Road to Ox Point is nice.)
Walked: April 11, 2005
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created: March 9, 2009
Updated: June 11, 2021