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academics are at it! And some other dedicated folks, too...
are links to hiking and trail organizations, plus some general sites
with walking information. I've listed them first for North America,
Canada, then regions of Canada, then the United States, and finally
international. There are also links here for people looking for walking and other sports equipment.
At the end, you'll find links to some weird and wonderful sites dealing
with some aspect of walking.
I try to note, when I'm aware of it, the presence of aspects of walks
that are not healthy for walkers. In North America and in particular
deadly all terrain vehicle mars some "multi-use" trails.. Some sections
of the Trans
Canada Trail, for example,
allow ATVs and snowmobiles. Be warned. Other great trails sometimes
have to occasionally
use nasty suburban areas and minor highways to stay continuous. Yet
others pass near areas with loud traffic or other less than attractive
University, based in Peterborough, Ontario, has a Trail
Studies Unit.
It's really cool, with all sorts of information on trail culture, trail
building, history and so on. it also has some really fine links to
sites around the world.
build a trail? Check out the Rails
to Trails Conservancy. This is a fascinating (U.S.) site,
dedicated to helping communities build trails from old rail lines.
North America
is a British Columbia-based community-driven site with all sorts of
listings of trails across North America for not only hiking, but
mountain biking, skiing, canoeing and kayaking. The bias is toward
Canadian trails. The writing can be shaky at times (depending upon the
skill of the person contributing), but the likes and dislikes of users
is straight ahead. Founder Kurt Turchan offers GPS and compass courses.
Hiking Trail is
aiming to be 10,000 km long, stretching across Canada. At this
point, 3,000 km exist, so there are obviously big blank spots in it. It
has been going
since 1971. It doesn't have as high a profile as the Trans Canada Trail
because its
not a "multi-use trail," but when it's done, it will be a hiker's
heaven — a walking trail from coast to coast! The NHT site is not
flashy as the TCT, but the vehicle-free trails are something every
walker should support. This trail incorporates parts of
trails, including the TCT. It has a number of links to provincial
sections of the trail. Many of them are "under construction" or pretty
skimpy, but check out Hike BC for some
good listings in British Columbia. The Quebec link describes the Sentier
and the Ontario link has a good description of a day hike on the
Marathon Trail between
Marathon and Pukaskwa National Park. It's part
of the Voyageur Trail, listed in the Ontario section below.. The
Newfoundland link has a
great shot of the awesome 50-metre suspension bridge on the East Coast
The International
Appalachian Trail
runs from Katahdin (the northernmost part of the Appalachian Trail in
Maine) to the Gaspé in Quebec, across the Gulf of St. Lawrence
to northern Newfoundland. |
the Trans Canada Trail
is finished it will be some 18,078 km. (11,233) long, which is pretty
impressive. Some of it will incorporate wilderness trails like the
Voyageur Trail and fine trails like the Bruce Trail in Ontario, which
makes this a world-class trail in sections. It is marred by sections
which allow ATVs. The TCT trail website plays this down and it's
confusing to find exactly where the trail is at times, so it is
particularly hard
to find exactly where the trail allows ATVs.
Canada Trails
lists of trails and other travel information, not only for walkers but
for other outdoor sports as well. It's hard to know who runs this site;
they have no "about us," so you're on your own here. Nevertheless, some
good info here.
a Volksmarch with a Volkssports Association. The Canadian Volkssport Association
oversees local chapters. Volkssports involve walks, swims,
cross-country skiing and bike riding. Walking (Volksmarching) is by far
the most popular. All Volkssports are rigorously non-competitive. Local
chapters include the Volkssport
Association of Alberta and the Cape Briton
Island Hoppers Volksport Club. You can
also find international clubs at their site. See the CVA site for a
complete listing.
out lists trails and outdoor retail shops across Canada. A
good site for skiers and bikers too.
The East
Coast Trail
will eventually wind for 540 kilometres along the Avalon Peninsula, the
most south-easterly point of Newfoundland. At present, 220 km are
completed. It looks fantastic and is high on my "to-do" lists.
The Newfoundland T'Rail
Council looks
after the trail of the same name. It is part of the Trans Canada trail.
It is well worth signing on
They have thousands of practical and detailed trail guides and maps for
North America that you can download. Topos, route guides, it's a neat
t allows ATVs. |
Quebec, Canada
Ontario, Canada
The Celebration of
Trails organization lists fall trail events
in the Kawartha Lakes and the counties of Haliburton, Northumberland,
Peterborough and Hastings in Ontario.

Central Ontario
Loop Trail
is comprised mostly of old old rail lines and
secondary roads. I find
many of them rather straight and less exciting than a walk in the
woods. However, they do get you to some interesting places and there
are some great urban walks. When you go to this site, you can click on
different trails that connect towns like Port Hope, Peterborough,
Lindsay and Bancroft. Some of it (unfortunately sections near me in
Hastings County) allow ATVs, so I seldom use them. Check
carefully to see who is allowed to use the particular set of trails you
want to walk.
The Eastern Ontario Trails
is mostly all about ATVs, and the trails it oversees are ATV-friendly,
so this organization is of limited use to walkers. Still, there are
useful links here.
Hike Ontario is
a volunteer organization for and about hiking, walking
and related
issues. Its trail list link sends you to the Ontario Trails Council
list (see below). Many trail organizations are members of this
organization, so its a handy way to track specific trails and find out
who supports and runs them.
The Kawartha
Trans Canada Trail is the part of the TCT in and around
Peterborough, Ontario. The
Kawartha section, work hard to keep ATVs off the
trail. Sometimes doing this involves the cops. For example, police
five ATVers in October 2008 for illegally using the trail.
Snowmobiles are allowed.
A guide to
in Peterborough County is
part of Trent University's Trail Studies Site, which I've
about elsewhere. However, this is a comprehensive listing of trails and
canoe routes for Peterborough County in Central Ontario.
In Ottawa,
the National Capital Commission's site has all kinds of information for
tourists. Its "Explore
the Outdoors" section
has listings of trails on the Greenbelt and in parks (including
Gatineau Park) and has some useful maps.
The Ontario
Trails Council is
a coalition of trail users and organizations. You can join for $26.50.
and get access to their trail listings. They've been around since 1988
and particularly promote the establishment of the Trillium
Trail Network, a system of loops in Ontario to connect
different trails. ATVs are part of this, so be wary.
Parks Canada site gives
an overview of parks in the province. Within the site, search for walks
or hikes.

Voyageur trail is overseen by The Voyageur Trail
Association. This
is an informative site, with maps and descriptions of sections
of the trail.
Not all of the trail is completed and much of it is pretty wild (which
is a good thing). I haven't tried this trail, but it looks really
tempting. Part of it is incorporated into the Trans Canada Trail. The
site advertises 500 kilometres of "true wilderness trail."
The West Perth Thames
Nature Trail
runs along the Thames River north of London. The web page indicates
urban and some rural bits and just over 10 km of walks.. Looks pleasant
and much of it is wheelchair accessible. |
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
Alberta TrailNet has
information on trails for the province, including maps. Albertans pay
(per capita) more than anyone else in Canada to maintain TCT trails,
so there are lots of trail to explore. Unfortunately, some allow ATVs,
although it's not advertised as such on the Alberta TrailNet site. The Iron
Horse Trail for example,
allows ATVs. |
British Columbia: Trail Organizations
United States: Trail Organizations
Hiking Society
touts itself as "the only national organization that promotes and
protects foot trails and the hiking experience." They've got featured
trails, gear lists, and a very informative magazine. If I were
American, I'd join.
The Appalachian
Trail Conservancy
is the volunteer organization that works to keep up this world-class
trail. There are many sites that help hikers figure out different
sections of the trail, which I will list as I build up my own
experiences walking the trail. However, here are a few tasters: Kathy
Bilton's page on fred.net, with tons of great information; Trailplace,
which offers a handbook for through-hikers and has lots of handy tips;
a great Google
maps site that pinpoints about 300 places to camp along the
entire length of the trail. (By the way, if you stumble upon
Appalachiantrail.com, I find it a surprisingly uninformative
site, the ownership of which is not clear.)
The International
Appalachian Trail
originally set its sights on running from Katahdin (the northernmost
of the Appalachian Trail in Maine) to the Gaspé in Quebec. Their goal
is now much larger. It now involves walkers and trails across
The Pacific
Crest Trail Association oversees the "PCT" trail. It's a staggering
2,650 miles (4,265 kilometres) trail. A trail that many walkers can
only dream of walking. Very roughly 500 to 800 start out to do the
whole trail. About 60% make it, according to the Association.
It is well worth signing on
They have thousands of practical and detailed trail guides and maps for
North America that you can download. Topos, route guides, it's a neat
Britain: Trail Organizations
The Ramblers
touts itself as the biggest organization of its kind in Britain. It has
tons of information, including maps about walking in Great Britain,
Europe and indeed the world.
Houghton's Strolling
are excellent. He's got a wealth of photos, good tips and so on, mostly
for Britain, but a few other spots like Amsterdam. An accomplished
vishwawalker indeed. I've made use of Anthony's information elsewhere
on my site. |
Path National Trail
runs along the Thames River from the mouth up to the source in the
Cotswolds. (One site describes it as a "pub crawl"!) It is about 294 km
(184 miles) long. Here's a good
unofficial guide.
Walking Britain lists a number of good walks across Britain, along with lots of general advice to help make walking more comfortable and fun. |
International: Trail Organizations
See the International Appalachian Trail link in the U.S. section above.
out Foot.com: the foot health network, which advertises itself as "the
most comprehensive source of foot health and foot care on the web."
Articles, gadgets, weird stuff
Here's an
interesting "walking gadget" from Honda that takes some
stress off the knees. No price tag on this, but I'd guess it's not
cheap. From a CBC article, November
7, 2008.
How about a listen to the APO
Hiking Society?. APO stands for Apolinario Mabini. They're a
Filipino group and they've been around since 1973. |